Wealthy Talkz AMA 23 June 2021

Omnia DeFi
11 min readJun 24, 2021



Wealthy Talkz5 hours ago·

Hosted by — 💥Wealthytalkz 💥

Dated — 23rd June, 2021

Admins — Crypto Shaman and Theo | Lord Gravity

Hosts — Yash Jain and Shruti | Wealthytalkz


Yash Jain: Goodmorning People🚀We are so glad to have @Theo_LordGravity & @Raki_Brown from team @@omnia_defi_official is here with us for today’s AMA session🔥🔥

Crypto Shaman: Hi guys 😊✌️

Theo | Lord Gravity: Hi everyone 🖖

Shruti | Wealthytalkz: Hey @Raki_Brown & @Theo_LordGravity sir, so nice to have you here on board with us😉

Yash Jain: Lets begin today’s session now shall we?

Theo | Lord Gravity: Let’s start! 🚀

Crypto Shaman: Thank you, nice to be here Let’s go!!!

Shruti | Wealthytalkz: Great🔥

Yash Jain: Please type done after completion of every answer to avoid any kind of confusion please😊

Theo | Lord Gravity: sure thing 🙂

Yash Jain: Lets Start our today’s session with the Introduction Questions🔥🔥 Here comes the first and basic question😉

Q1) Can you please Introduce yourself to the Community?

Theo | Lord Gravity: Sure! Hi (again) everyone 👋 I am Théo Richard and I have join the blockchain world in summer 2018. I am eager to bring my contribution to this space and more largely to make people more independent ⚡️ Done

Yash Jain: Amazing🚀

Crypto Shaman: Hi there 😊 my name is Raki Brown, I have some background in robotics and have worked on local currency projects before crypto. 4 years ago I rode the BTC wave and have since been obsessed with how blockchain can bring positive change and aid in effective collaboration towards a better future and can bring universal access to wealth creation. Our team consists of bankers, lawyers, cyber security experts etc all talented, hard working and genuinely attuned to our vision. We have been working nearly 2 years in deep stealth establishing relationships to asset providers and developing our business model. Done

Shruti | Wealthytalkz: Impressive🔥

Yash Jain: Let’s move to another question☺

Q2) Please tell us in detail about OmniaDeFi ?

Theo | Lord Gravity: Omnia DeFi in short aims to become the Nr1 real world assets tradable index. There are $280.6 trillion worth of real estate alone to tokenise.

We will after full regulatory approval tokenise real world assets and provide 49% of the value of those as tokens to the public. Those are called OATs (Omnia Asset Tokens).

After that we create OSC (Omnia Stable Coin) that will be pegged to the dollar and supported by pooled OATs.

First though we have the $OMNIA Token presale which is a utility and exchange token providing a set of exciting features well known to the crypto community, like staking and yield farming.

$OMNIA will be tied to the business model directly via the long term burn mechanism. For every asset onboarded there will be a fee, 50% of the profits from that fee will be used for buybacks of $OMNIA to be permanently burned. The better we are at tokenising and automating that process, the quicker and more aggressive the burn


Yash Jain: Wonderfully introduced i must say😍🚀

Q3) How is OmniaDeFi different and better than its competitors?

Crypto Shaman: There as Theo mentioned above, over $280 trillion of stored wealth in physical assets worldwide. This wealth is generally illiquid and doesn’t flow, we allow the free flow of some of that value when we tokenise assets (something we will only do after full regulatory approval).

We are not only focused on the technical layer like many projects or even just on the securities layer like many other DeFi projects, instead we go deeper and look to index all real world assets and make them tradable on our platform.

Think Google but we index asset tied data, give it a rating and turn it into an NFT. That NFT is fractionalised into 100 OATs (Omnia Asset Tokens) and 49% sold to the token buyers and 51% locked up fir the asset owner. The OATs can then also sit as a pool to support the creation of our stable coin called OSC (Omnia Stable Coin).


Shruti | Wealthytalkz: This sounds interesting🤩

Yash Jain: This truly makes $OMNIA different from others😍🔥

Theo | Lord Gravity: Indeed we are approaching the market differently 😉

Yash Jain: I can see as per your explanations😉🔥

Q4) Every project has a final goal which it is aiming to reach. Whats that final goal for OmniaDeFi?

Theo | Lord Gravity: The final goal is to reach our 2050 Mundus Novus vision as part of the greater Createlinx family and ecosystem. Omnia DeFi is simply the beginning of a long journey towards bringing universal access to wealth creation, banking the unbanked and creating smart villages around the world. We aim to also help democratic processes generally and to support green energy projects for the betterment of Earth. Done

Yash Jain: It’s a great goal i must say 🚀❤

Shruti | Wealthytalkz: That’s a pretty good goal😍😍💎

Yash Jain: and support from wealthytalkz is always with you guys🔥🚀

Theo | Lord Gravity: as the fundamental of blockchain itself 😊

Yash Jain: Yeahh☺😉

Theo | Lord Gravity: Glad to hear, thank a lot 🙏

Crypto Shaman: Thanks guys, appreciated 😊

Shruti | Wealthytalkz: You guys will achieve the great succes😉😉

Yash Jain: Hehe☺

Crypto Shaman: And anyone who joins us 😉

Yash Jain: Let’s move towards last question form segment 1?

Crypto Shaman: 😊👍

Yash Jain:

Q5) Please shed some light on the Benifits of OmniaDeFi?

Crypto Shaman:

With Omnia DeFi, your friend who owns land but cannot afford a tractor, might tokenise his land, inviting international buyers that see an opportunity for growing economies. These buyers will be satisfied with the assurances that everything is secure and transparent with attached documentations etc. proving the safety rating. They will not need any rights to your friends land but simply need to be able to buy and sell their tokens. Your friend gains 49% the value of his land, keeps control of the land (as he owns 51% of tokens) and can get a tractor. That is a simple example of a use case. Done

Yash Jain: People will surely own $OMNIA token😍 As you guys are fully pack with benifits😁

Shruti | Wealthytalkz: That definately helps new investors🔥

Yash Jain: That’s amazing🤩

Crypto Shaman: That’s what all the hard work so far has been to achieve and why we have $500 mill in real estate and art already committed to the project 😊 with LOTS more to come I believe, working on creating deals all the time

Yash Jain: That’s something a big amount🙈 Thanks for answering all the introduction questions🔥🚀 We shall now proceed to Second Segment which is Questions from Twitter. Shall we proceed?

Crypto Shaman: Yes please!!!

Theo | Lord Gravity: yep please 😊


Yash Jain: Before beginning the Twitter Segment, i wanna take a second and say thanks to everyone who showed us their love by sending Questions on Twitter and following @omnia_defi_official Its you guys who motivates us to do better🔥

Shruti | Wealthytalkz: Indeed🔥 Would like to take a second again for those whose questions didnt got selected in this segment, dont you guys worry because @Raki_Brown & @Theo_LordGravity would love to answer any unanswered questions left after the AMA in @omnia_defi_official group🔥

So dont forget to join @omnia_defi_official community 😉

Crypto Shaman: And there were a lot of amazing questions too Absolutely

Yash Jain: Fully devoted members😉 With this we move on to first question from Twitter🔥🔥

First Question from Twitter : Why is not focusing on derivatives a positive thing? From — @KarlSchere

Crypto Shaman: Also we would be happy to come back and do an AMA later as well if needed. The Weathy Talkz is an amazing team and has a great community

Yash Jain: Thankyou sir for your words🚀😍 And we’ll love to have AMA again🔥

Crypto Shaman: Great! So in answer to the first Twitter question

Think of Google when it began. They indexed websites and didn’t worry about providing extra services apart from access to the index and the free exchange of data. Look at Google now, they provide every imaginable service.

The first step is to index (tokenise) as much of real world assets as possible as quick as possible to conquer territory so to speak. We then allow access to that fractionalised index (OATs) and for the (relatively speaking) free trade of that value. Later we will provide all imaginable services and derivatives.

Shruti | Wealthytalkz: Thankyou sir❤️

Crypto Shaman: Done

Yash Jain: Absolutely it’s a positive thing🙌 Explained with all the reasons🚀 Let’s move to second question😉And here it comes🤩

Shruti | Wealthytalkz: That’s a good approach😘

Theo | Lord Gravity: yes sure 😊

Yash Jain: Second Question from Twitter What are your plans for Africa considering the fact that Africa is becoming one of the biggest crypto currency market? From — @lenhanmuoihai

Theo | Lord Gravity: We have an Omnia Africa group working right now on our entry into Africa. Two of our core members themselves originate in Nigeria but we are planning on broad inroads into Africa. Africa is the future and we want to help build that future. Done

Yash Jain: Great plan 🙌 You guys must work more harder to achieve this plan 🤩 This would take #$OMNIATOTHEMOONSOON

Crypto Shaman: Working hard is our super power!!!

Theo | Lord Gravity: Super team, super powers 😎

Yash Jain: That’s the best thing😍 Will try to learn these powers from you guys🙈

Crypto Shaman: Ha ha!!

Yash Jain: Haha, can’t we ? Let’s go to another one ☺

Third Question from Twitter:

With the recent fall of several important cryptocurrencies and the current state of the market, How do you position your project, with an advantage or with a disadvantage that you have to solve in some way? And in What way will they take advantage of this whole situation? From — @HTh24720028

Crypto Shaman: Super powers start with a focus on what you want to achieve and then going a 100% of course you can!! Also we have a side business that turns people into superheroes at corporatecomics.io 😉

Yash Jain: Oh that’s great would love to take part in it😍

Crypto Shaman: Ok so in answer to the question

Everyone wants a bull market of course but we focus on stability in two very important ways. One, we are basing all our tokenisation and crypto currency on or around real world assets like real estate and fine art among other things. This foundation is rare to non-existent in the crypto world and will help lend a more solid foundation to the space. Second, we will pool all the OATs (Omnia Asset Tokens) to support a stable coin called OSC (Omnia Stable Coin) that will compete with the likes of TETHER and DAI. Tether is backed by real world dollars but there is inflation in dollars 🤷‍♂️ DAI is backed by ETH primarily but there is strong volatility with ETH 🤷‍♂️. We on the other hand are backed by OATs that are linked to real world assets 💪😊 Done

Yash Jain: Great🚀

Forth Question from Twitter

Revenue is an indispensable aspect for any projects to survive and maintain the https://t.co/TR0ZBx2kFi What is the measure to create profit/revenue of token?and What is the income model? From — @nicole_binuya

Shruti | Wealthytalkz: Good🔥

Crypto Shaman: Great!

The most obvious initial income model is our onboarding fees. We charge $500 minimum to onboard items of minimum $10 000 in value. This is to ensure that we only get the highest value items with quality remaining high. Eventually we will be bringing down fees as automation and speed of onboarding increases. We will also lower the entry price of assets to be tokenised as the quality standards become more established.

To note, we will be buying $OMNIA with 50% of all our onboarding fees profit. Those tokens will be burned permanently to reduce the overall amount of $OMNIA Tokens in circulation. The more we onboard and tokenised, the greater the burn rate 🔥

There are other ways in which we will make sure the company profits and thrives but this is the initial model and we hope you appreciate the way it supports the $OMNIA tokens economy 😊


Yash Jain: These aspects will take $OMNIA to moon soon These are some special aspects😍

Theo | Lord Gravity: Moon first stop, Mars second stop, Neptune third stop 🚀

Crypto Shaman: Literally, we are also putting 1 million AR tokens directly on the Moon to encourage future space travel. You will only be able to get them by actually going to the moon in 2030. Like Pokemon Go but on the moon and chasing $OMNIA Tokens

Shruti | Wealthytalkz: This strategy will take $OMNIA to another level soon😌

Yash Jain: Haha 🚀

Shruti | Wealthytalkz: Haha

Yash Jain: Again listening a great thing🙌 Here wo go with last question☺

Fifth Question from Twitter

Are your team public or anon? How about security for your platform, do you already audit for smart contract? From — @Sonu52873964

Theo | Lord Gravity: Our team is not anon at all but fully public. You can have a detail bio of each one of us here: https://omniadefi.com/team/ About security all our smart contracts will be audited.

As for now, we have already made audited our token by Blockchain Consillium. You can check the audit right here: https://www.blockchainconsilium.com/verification?contract-address=0x29872a4Da05bee5F18dFC18e0486D11b9F008100

Shruti | Wealthytalkz: This sounds interesting😘

Theo | Lord Gravity: Done

Yash Jain: Fully transparent😍 Nothing to worry about transperancy🙈

Thank you so much for answering questions from Twitter Segment🔥🔥

We shall move to the last segment now which is Live Segment😉

Theo | Lord Gravity: exactly! transparency is a power 👌 sure! let’s move to live segment 😊


Yash Jain: Lemme remind rules again☺

Rules for live session with OmniaDeFi are as follows:-

💨Everyone will be given 120 seconds to raise their questions.

💨You must follow the following groups: — -

💥 @omnia_defi_official

💥 @wealthytalkz

💥 @wealthytalkznews

Chats will unmute in….

Shruti | Wealthytalkz: This is a good way to earn investors trust. Transperency is good. Good going sir 🚀

Yash Jain: 3 2 1………. Time up guys🚀 @Raki_Brown & @Theo_LordGravity please feel free to take your time and select and answer best 5 out of them😉

Crypto Shaman: Wow!!!

Yash Jain: 😍🙌

Theo | Lord Gravity: woaw lots of questions, amazing!

Yash Jain: Already told you guys, we have fully devoted members😉

Emilia: Do You Have Whitepaper If Yes and Secondly Do You Have Plans For Pre-Sale? Where Can I Join it?

Theo | Lord Gravity: We have a litepaper you can find here: https://omniadefi.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/OmniaLitePaper.pdf

And our presale started yesterday. You can join and register here: http://omniadefi.sale


Crypto Shaman: When the token will be publicly listed will open at the same time for staking & farming 😌 You can find rewards details in the litepaper https://omniadefi.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/OmniaLitePaper.pdf

Shruti | Wealthytalkz: 3 questions left


Q. Mass adoption is necessary and how do you plan to educate and spread awareness about your project where English is not spoken ?

Crypto Shaman: Education is a very important part of our approach and we have partnered with Lazy Learning and as part of the Createlinx ecosystem iLYCEUM will be in charge of general education relating to things like DeFi, economic literary and on many other subjects on bringing a better future into today.

Iizabila4zozo: My question Sir 🌺🌺

What happens to most of the projects is that when people get the token instead of holding them they sell them right away. Because they are scared that the price might go down… How will You keep the token price stable…? @Theo_LordGravity

Theo | Lord Gravity: Staking, farming, DAO (for rewards addings/update at first) & burn linked to our tokenisation efficiency is part of the strategy to keep the buying pressure high.

Moreover, financial report, regular update on the project, interviews & important partnerships will help to keep an high interest into Omnia DeFi and the $OMNIA token. Also it is good to notice that in order to avoid a sudden dump on public listing we will put a vesting period in place:

- R1: 3%/day

- — R2: 5%/day

Anabelle: Do you. have any Coin Burn / BuyBack systems or any $Token Burn plans to increase the value of Token & attract Investors to invest?

Crypto Shaman: We have a “burn” of $1 million tokens, first half a million within the first 6 months and the other half a million will be burned quarterly until 2030. By that point they will be on the moon as AR (Augmented Reality) Tokens, only to be picked up by space travel in 2030. This takes them out of circulation until then and sets a challenge for future entrepreneur to go to the moon and pick them up.



Omnia DeFi
Omnia DeFi

Written by Omnia DeFi

Tokenize the world for universal access to wealth creation

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